Eco-Friendly Waste Treatment Products for Your Needs
Our products are composed of 100% naturally occurring, non-pathogenic micro-organisms that have been specifically designed for various applications. These products provide the essential micro-nutrients to supplement bacteria's basic needs in both aerobic and anaerobic environments.
The selection of the type of product used is based on its abilities to degrade certain organics, as well as the unique circumstances of the application.
All products are non-toxic and non-hazardous and have no negative effect on agriculture or aquaculture. All our products are approved on the DSL (Domestic Substance List) with some being CFIA (Canadian Food Inspection Agency) registered.
​ 12.5 kg pails
​ 13.6 kg pails
​ 45.4 kg kegs
Various packaging available for bio pouches.
​ 210 kg plastic drums
​ 20 L pails
​ 4 L jugs (4/case)
​ 1000 L Tote Junk
Bio-Brick and Bio-Block {FOG}
​ 2, 5, 10 and 30 lb
Bio-Brick {P}
​ 2, 5, 10 and 30 lb
Ready to Use
​Potty treat
8.5 kg pails (300 pouches)
12 per box
​Toss blocks
20 per box
​Urinal blocks
12 per box